Dragan Stojkovic's career and honours

General information about the coach
Personal data
Full name
Dragan Stojkovic
Shortened name
Dragan Stojkovic
Date of birth
03 March 1965 (59 years)
Place of birth
Niš (Jugoslawien (SFR))
Country of birth
Serbia Serbia
Managerial career
Inicio de Contrato
Fin de Contrato
Táctica más usada
Equipo debut
Debut fecha
Player's career
Main position
Equipo debut
Debut fecha
Equipo retirada
Fecha Retirada
National team

Teams managed

Team PEnt Since Until W D L Pref.tactic Average number of goals Points/Match
Serbia 25 03-03-2021 31-12-2024 14 6 5 4-4-2 1.8 : 0.6 1.9
Guangzhou City
Guangzhou City 143 24-08-2015 03-01-2020 57 27 59 4-4-2 2.3 : 0.8 1.4
Nagoya Grampus
Nagoya Grampus 276 22-01-2008 31-12-2013 139 57 80 4-4-2 1.8 : 0.5 1.7
444 4936 days 210 90 144 4-4-2 2 : 0.6 1.9

Debuts by team

Team Debut Match Age
Nagoya Grampus Nagoya Grampus 08-03-2008 Nagoya Grampus 1 - 1 Kyoto Sanga 43
Guangzhou City Guangzhou City 13-09-2015 Shanghai Shenxin 2 - 1 Guangzhou City 50
Serbia Serbia 24-03-2021 Serbia 3 - 2 Irlanda 56

Debuts by competition

Competition Debut Match Age
Club competitions
J1 League J1 League
Nagoya Grampus 08-03-2008
Nagoya Grampus 1 - 1 Kyoto Sanga 43
League Cup League Cup
Nagoya Grampus 20-03-2008
Nagoya Grampus 0 - 1 Kyoto Sanga 43
AFC Champions AFC Champions
Nagoya Grampus 10-03-2009
Ulsan HD FC 1 - 3 Nagoya Grampus 44
Emperor Cup Emperor Cup
Nagoya Grampus 10-10-2009
Nagoya Grampus 4 - 0 Okinawa Kariyushi 44
Fujifilm Supercup Fujifilm Supercup
Nagoya Grampus 26-02-2011
Nagoya Grampus 1 (3 - 1) 1 Kashima Antlers 45
Guangzhou City 13-09-2015
Shanghai Shenxin 2 - 1 Guangzhou City 50
FA Cup FA Cup
Guangzhou City 10-05-2016
Hainan Boying Seamen 1 (3 - 4) 1 Guangzhou City 51
International competitions
WC Qual. Europe WC Qual. Europe
Serbia 24-03-2021
Serbia 3 - 2 Irlanda 56
UEFA Nations League UEFA Nations League
Serbia 02-06-2022
Serbia 0 - 1 Noruega 57
World Cup World Cup
Serbia 24-11-2022
Brasil 2 - 0 Serbia 57
EC Qualifying EC Qualifying
Serbia 24-03-2023
Serbia 2 - 0 Lituania 58


2 Títulos en el Palmarés de entrenador

Liga Japonesa J1


Supercopa Japón